Ted DiBiase is a WWE Hall Of Fame professional wrestler, best known for his role as the villainous “Million Dollar Man” of the World Wrestling Federation (now known as WWE). Having been raised by his wrestler father, “Iron” Mike DiBiase, who he admired greatly, Ted chose to follow in his Dad’s footsteps. After receiving honors in high school football and going to West Texas State college on a football scholarship, Ted became a professional wrestler in the summer of 1975. Ted paid his dues in the early years of his wrestling career, traveling thousands of miles by car, spending many nights in less than luxurious hotels, and making little money. His big break came in the spring of 1987 when he headed for New York and the WWF to become the “Million Dollar Man”. It was from here that his career skyrocketed.
Ted literally traveled the world with the WWF, wrestling in some of the biggest venues in the world. Places like Madison Square Garden, The Superdome, The Skydome, The Tokyo Dome, and Wembley Stadium, all became familiar places to Ted. After six years with the WWF, seeing his likeness made into action figures, characters in video games and his face on everything from T-shirts to pin-ball machines, he ended his active career at the end of 1993 due to a neck injury.
He then went on to be a ringside manager and commentator with the WWF from 1994 to the fall of 1996. During that time he managed such wrestling superstars as “Stone” Cold Steve Austin and Bam Bam Bigelow. Ted finished his career working for Ted Turner owned World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from the Fall of 1996 to the Fall of 1999, spending a total of twenty-five years in the industry. As he was ending his wrestling career, Ted was already turning his talents elsewhere and looking to the future.
Today, after authoring a book about his life entitled Every Man Has His Price, Ted is a full time evangelist and motivational speaker. Officially ordained into the ministry, he is speaking to church congregations, youth groups, men’s meetings, corporate businesses, and in public schools and universities all over the world. In the past six years he has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people, young and old alike. In addition, Ted is also a spokesperson for and board member of The Sunshine Foundation. This organization grants wishes to terminally ill and handicapped children.
The character of the Million Dollar Man was fulfilled by wealth and power and controlled by greed. In contrast, the real Ted DiBiase is fulfilled by his relationship with Jesus Christ and his family, and a controlling desire to do Gods will in his life. Ted is married to his lovely wife Melanie of 31 years and they have three sons: Michael, Ted Jr. and Brett.